Clean Up Day at the Center,
Saturday, May 4, 9:00 – 12:00 a.m.
Come join the crew to shine up the Center for a new
season. We will tackle both the interior and exterior part of the Center. Bring a rag, sponge and bucket, broom
and dustpan. We will sweep up the bugs, mop floors, clean bathrooms and
kitchen, and wipe flat surfaces. We will
also clean the basement. Treats will be served. Location: Cooksville Community Center.
Stoughton Chamber Singers Concert
June 12, 7:00 p.m.
The Stoughton
Chamber Singers under the direction of John Beutel have chosen "Music and
the Human Experience" as the title for their June performance. The
concert program will include music that is representative of how every day
lives are connected to music. Many composers will be represented: G. F.
Handel, Johannes Jeep, John Blow, a 13th century plainsong, a Bruckner motet, a
gospel hymn, two African songs of Famine and Freedom, several folk songs, and
music by the Association "Requiem for the Masses":
"Skylark", a ballad by Hoagy Carmichael; a Lennon/McCartney Beatles
Medley; and the rousing "Up The Ladder To The Roof." Admission
is $5 per person. Location: Cooksville Church at the corner of Highways 138 and
59. A reception will follow at the
Community Center, two blocks east on Hwy 59.
Independence Day Family Potluck
Picnic with music
July 4, 12:30 p.m.
Come and socialize with friends and neighbors, and
eat a communal meal about 12:30 p.m. on the Commons. Bring a dish to pass and
your own plate, silverware and liquid refreshments to this annual event.
Cooksville native, Jeanne Julseth-Heinrich, an accomplished accordion player,
will begin entertaining about 1:15 p.m at the Center. Some members plan to kick
up their heels and dance! Location:
Cooksville Commons and the air-conditioned Community Center, in case of
rain and/or extreme heat.
Christmas in Summer
August 10, 4:00 p.m.
Former student
Jeanne Julseth-Heinrich will orchestrate and direct a Christmas party from her
memories as a student at the one room Cooksville Schoolhouse. There will be
roles for children and adults to perform in skits, recitations, singing, a
short Christmas play, and perhaps a visit by Santa Claus. Christmas is being
scheduled in August as the Center does not have heat or water in winter. This
could be the first event for a summer theater at the Cooksville Community
Center. Please notify Jeanne of your interest in participating in the
Location: Cooksville Community Center.
Cooksville Lutheran Church Fall Festival
Tentative: Sunday, Sept. 8, 11 a.m.
will begin directly after the worship service: arts
& crafts, collectibles, antiques, produce, fall mums, Silent Auction, and
more. Home cooked meal prepared by
church members to begin serving at noon. Sponsored by and proceeds to benefit
Cooksville Lutheran Church. Watch newspapers and church bulletin for specific
details re. date/time.
Community Center Annual Meeting
Monday, September 23, 7 p.m.
Learn what has happened this year and what is on the agenda for the future at
this annual event. This is your
opportunity to voice your opinions about the Center. We want your input to help
us manage the Center. Location: Cooksville
Community Center.
“Remembering Cigar Eddie”
October 6, 11:30 a.m.
The Center has decided to organize another memorial
service for one of its patriarchs, Eddie Julseth, who died two years ago. October
is the month of Eddie ‘s birthday. This will be a potluck with story telling.
He loved apples so consider bringing an apple-based dish to supplement your
main dish. Plates, silverware and drinks will be provided. The event is
sponsored by the Cooksville Community Center and the Cooksville Lutheran
Church. Location: handicapped accessible Cooksville Lutheran Church by the
Annual Halloween Party
Saturday, October 19, 6:30 p.m.
Join us for
our annual Halloween tradition. There will be games and activities for kids and
a bonfire for adults. Bring your own beverages and a snack or dessert to
share. Flashlights are strongly encouraged for all -- the Commons and
schoolyard can get very dark, especially around Halloween! You are
also welcome to get into the Halloween spirit by helping to decorate for the
Center at 12:00 noon on the same day. Location: Cooksville Community
Lutheran Church Harvest Dinner
Tentative date: November 10, 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
a home cooked Thanksgiving meal prepared and served by members of the
Cooksville Lutheran Church. Proceeds from the event will benefit the
church. Location: Cooksville Lutheran